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CEST BON Belle Phoebe of BAREAZZ
Lavender / Lilac / Cream
AnnaBelle's eyes are golden

DOB: 1/15/09

CFA Registration #: 5173-1684097                  TICA Registration #: pending
AnnaBelle is about a month  older than our other cat Phoebe. She has that beautiful light color lavender/lilac tint that I find rather appealing. I find her to be a little smaller  than Phoebe yet she is stricking in her own right. She has elegant lines and a daintiness about her.

She is the clown of the household. She even plays fetch and helps make the beds, jumping on the sheets until she gets all the puff out. AnnaBelle is the most outgoing of our two Sphynx. She gives kisses and jumps on your shoulder for a ride. She is just a fun cat.

Note: In some of the photos of AnnaBelle you may notice an irrgularity  in her left eye. This is an injury she got as a kitten. She was scratched while playing with her litter mates. To my disapointment the eye just never healed correctly.
Torti / Chocolate & White Point

DOB: 2/18/09

CFA Registration #: 5061-1684099                  TICA Registration #: SBT 021809 036
Phoebe is the more aloff of our Sphynx. She has a regal presence that lets you know she is in charge. Her blue eyes are striking and beautifully shaped and well positioned.
Phoebe is a large well proportioned cat with elegant lines. Her markings are distinct and well placed.  She has a perfect heart shape, about the size of a chocolate chip cookie, on her hip.

Although I consider Phoebe to be the more independent of the two she is actually the one that gets upset if I stay up too late working in my office. She positions herself by my door and cries for me to come to bed so I can pet her and snuggle

If I let Phoebe and AnnaBelle in my office I can't get anything done. Phoebe wants snuggle time and AnnaBelle runs over my computer and up and over my lap and shoulder.
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